

Plastilite is the industry leader in recycling
post-consumer EPS material.




As a manufacturer of expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam minnow buckets, cold chain shippers and picnic coolers, we provide our community a place to recycle post-consumer EPS foam 24/7.



EPS foam densifies down to a 90:1 ratio. This means an entire truckload of post-consumer EPS foam will end up being 2-3 pallets of polystyrene. This can be reused and turned into insulating panels, picture frames, and surfboards.




Plastilite’s commitment to recycling post-consumer EPS foam packaging extends to our dedicated partners. Lincoln Public Schools collaborated with Uribe Transportation to ensure all EPS foam packaging acquired from their new school opening was recycled into durable products.



A huge shout-out went to Creighton University for including Plastilite in their Earth Day recycling event held on campus here in Omaha. Plastilite provided recyclable bags and clever signage to assist volunteers in collecting EPS foam for recycling.




Partnering with churches and community organizations is a priority for Plastilite in our EPS foam recycling efforts.








Click below to visit one of our product sites.